*Limit 1 per person—no exceptions. (This is my personal gift, offered to as many individuals as I can reach. Please read the entire description.)
If you are currently experiencing suicidal ideation, well, I’ve been there too. I live with Bipolar Disorder and I’ve had a lot of dark days, off days, and bad days. I’m sorry you are having them too.
I’m not a counselor, therapist, or doctor, but I can do something to help you.
I made you a heart rock. When you’re having an off day, a bad day, or a dark day, keep this heart rock in your hand or in your pocket, and every time you see and feel it I promise it will remind you of the truth that you matter, are loved, and are not alone. You are a good person. Things will get better. All of the good that you do is bonus on top of the good that you are. You have incredible potential to create kindness and share it with others.
On the darkest days, take your heart rock and use it to trace 10 paper hearts. Cut them out. Write a little note of encouragement on each of them. Then go find people to give them to, or hide them in public places for people to find.
When you create kindness, you’ll surprise others and they’ll feel joy and elation. Most importantly, you will too.
This is why I carve heart rocks.
This is why I offer you one of these hearts. I made these ones during my dark days. I made them while thinking about you, and all of the other people that are in the darkest, dreariest, and loneliest of headspaces. I made this heart for you.